November 2020 performance charts A brief review of markets performance and the key performance contributors to the Darling Macro Fund November Narratives that fit stories...
Bond volatility is declining. What are the implications?September 2020 insights Bond volatility is declining. What are the implications? Developing and assessing a tail risk hedge. What are...
Does the Fed's mandate change matter?August 2020 Two unrelated events in August may have significance for markets and monetary policy in the future.
Rising gold is getting bubblyJuly 2020 What does the rise in gold mean? Why are "hit rates" and "skew" important?
Volatility is subsidingMay 2020 Volatility is subsiding but risks to long term financial stability are rising
Distancing and free money sparks equity rallyApril 2020 Equity bounce plus why managing vol of vol is helpful for limiting drawdowns
Is the trade deal priced in?November 2019 The widely publicised trade deal should be embedded into expectations